Cheering for the “Arena” Women's Handball Club

We are very happy that we got the opportunity to support the “Arena” Women's Handball Club from Pula. Their training sessions are held at the Mate Parlov Sports Centre. As a sports hall, it was built in 1978 as the "Savo Vukelić" Youth Center, and today it proudly bears the name of the greatest Yugoslav boxer, Mate Parlov. He was the only boxer in the history of that sport who won the Olympic, European and world amateur, and European and world professional titles in the same category. In addition, he was also a lover of poetry. A man with gold medals and the same kind of heart.

In the spirit of this, the “Arena” Women's Handball Club beats itself every week on the floor. They know that this is the only way they become better and better at what they love. Their coaches Mihaela Lukšić, Alenka Vučinić, and Želimir Popović are other people in this text whose hearts we can call golden. This is what every coach needs if he wants to convey to the team the only true way to achieve success. But not only in the form of victories, but in the spirit of the game and everything that is even more important in that process than the victories themselves. By understanding and practicing this way of training, not only do the members of the club become better at playing, but also in pursuit of life happiness in general.

We wish the players and their coaches all the best and look forward to future matches. Girls, save us seats in the stands!


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