Job description

Full-stack developer who hates deadlines

Note: We are currently not hiring.

Is that you?

Sprend develops and runs the file transfer service. The market is well established and there are a number of competing services, from very similar to very different. Our goal is simplicity. Our focus is user experience. We work on a new feature until it is done.

On the backend we code in Java and MariaDB, and on the frontend JavaScript, html and css. We use tools, framework and technology we enjoy working with. Will you bring something to the tech stack?

We are currently two developers at the company working with every aspect of software development. We don’t mind if you enjoy a bit of Linux sysadmin work as well. The production system runs on Debian, with an Apache in front of two Tomcat nodes.

When you start, tell us what dev machine you need to be productive, laptop or desktop, MacOS, Linux or Windows.

That’s all from me, Arne Evertsson. Now the CEO of Sprend d.o.o, Tanja Salopek, has a message for you: traži svog novog developera. Ako si u potrazi za novim izazovima i poslom u drugačijoj kompaniji, ne smiješ propustiti ovaj oglas. Mi smo mali tim sa velikim idejama, koji duboko vjeruje da svatko jutrom dolazi na posao s namjerom da napravi nešto na što će biti ponosan. Mi smo švedska i hrvatska kompanija, no prije svega ljudska kompanija. Sa nama ćeš imati priliku putovati, trenirati, brinuti se o svojoj obitelji te stvarati vrhunsku uslugu za naše korisnike.

Nemoj propustiti ovu priliku. Što je najgore što se može dogoditi? Da se upoznamo, i inspiriramo jedni druge, ali da ti ipak odlučiš ostati tamo gdje si sada. I ne brini o svom sadašnjem poslodavcu. On će preživjeti kao što smo i mi preživjeli kada su naše prijašnje kolege odlučile potražiti izazove negdje drugdje. Sa mnogima smo i danas dobri prijatelji! I još jedna stvar na kraju, dođi onakav kakav jesi, nema potrebe za friziranjem CV-a ili za otmjenim odijelom. Dobro došao!

Are you in? Let us know at


This is already included in our everyday work:

  • Remote work per two days a week

  • Sliding working hours

  • Casual dress code

  • Learning time

  • Cell phone costs covered

  • Freedom to choose a laptop and an office chair

To be satisfied and able to develop, we are aware that this requires quality filled free time, both at work and outside of it. Sprend has therefore designed a "Multi feel good with Sprend" benefits package for its employees, which includes:

  • Transport costs

  • Supplementary health insurance (which includes one specialist examination per year)

  • Sports activity of your choice

Photo made by: Daniel Cheung

How do we hire?

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Send us an email at and we will get back to you ASAP.

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  1. Meet with our developers at a bar in Pula (or video meeting).

  2. Come to the office and talk programming, using the whiteboard if you want.

  3. Video chat with Tanja and Tihana. Tanja is our CEO and Tihana is our office manager in Pula.

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  • If we find each other you get a proposal. The good one.

  • You become a sprendista and you join the team who believes that the journey itself is the destination.

Working at Sprend

These are articles from our blog on the topic of working for Sprend. Especially if you enjoy coffee and coding.