Infobip Conference “Multi-factor authentication”

As part of the ICT ISTRA Association, we participated in the Conference held at Infobip Quantum Campus. It's a newly renovated cultural and historical building, a silk factory from the 19th century. At the beginning of 2020, Infobip revived it for educational purposes. It was a pleasure to listen to presentations by colleagues, in the special atmosphere of this charming building, but also the city itself.

You can feel that Vodnjan is a place with a very interesting history. Once upon a time, it was the center of avant-garde production, whose inhabitants used technical innovations to work on the land. Back in 1899, thanks to the industrialist and visionary Pietro Marchesi, the streets of Vodnjan were the first streets in Istria to be lit by public electric lighting. It was the moment when the citizens no longer had to carry a small hand lamp "feralito" in the dark.

Quantum thus became a place that not only preserved the place from decay and oblivion but also continues to be a factory of ideas that will continue to change the city of fascinating charm and possibilities. Thanks for the great event!


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