My Professional Scrum Training


This week it was time for education. As we are using the Scrum framework in Sprend, so first I had an opportunity to learn about it in real practice. It was interesting to find out that the term "Scrum" was first used by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in their ground-breaking 1986. paper “The New New Product Development Game“. They borrowed the name from the game of rugby to stress the importance of teams in complex product development.

This online course was organised by Agilist IT & with a great trainer Ana Roje Ivančić. For two whole days, we learned, practiced and overcoming obstacles. In a team from several countries: Slovenia, Romania, Argentina and Croatia. It's nice to know that Scrum is not something like a set of rules, it's a philosophy that allows us freedom. When I started to read the guide, one sentence of Ken Schwaber & Jeff Sutherland stuck in my head: "We are humbled to see Scrum being adopted in many domains holding essentially complex work, beyond software product development where Scrum has its roots." To use word "humble" shows us what should be a part of us. How we should respect, feel and listen to the other people around us. When we talk about the team of people, they'll never become a real team if we can't achieve more than usual.

It is necessary to see in people what they may not even see sometimes. Praise them for their qualities. Not to react sharply to their failures but as an opportunity to learn. All of this may already sound worn out or simple, but in fact, it is still unattainable often. If we have that base to which we apply Scrum, we are on the side of success. In every sense, business and human.

After six unknown people from different parts of the world collaborated for two days, we said goodbye. There was no opportunity or time for more than a greeting, but at the last minute, as if it was hard for us to disconnect. And that’s when I first realized what online means. One button makes you leave. I walked out of the building, looked around, people were ordering food at a nearby fast food, children were entering the music school, cars were sliding down the street, and I felt like it's hard to disconnect for a real. With much more knowledge and a sense that learning needs to continue.

A new sprint is starting.


Happy International Workers’ Day!


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