Vacationing in Croatia

Our team is back together. We are rested, full of ideas, and the will to continue realizing our plans. It is certain that annual vacations improve our health, reduce stress levels and burnout, improve sleep, create new memories through travel and socializing, and increase our mental and physical well-being, productivity, and creativity. There are many benefits and everyone knows the feeling when returning to work, that anything is possible.

Caroline Castrillon writes in Forbes: "Taking vacation time is critical to employee survival. That's because time off is integral to well-being, sustained productivity, and high performance." A vacation could save your life, she adds.

We share some photos from the Croatian vacation. Parts of Pula, Silba, Mrežnica, and Petrova Gora with the Monument to the Uprising of the People of Kordun and Banija is a World War II. Also, it is the only place in Croatia that was declared a "dark sky park" in 2019. More and more areas in the world are protected in this way from excessive light pollution.

One of the places perfect for a break and departure that prepares us for our return.


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