Welcome to Daniel, our first intern


Sprend has the first intern. Since the establishment of the development center in Pula, in addition to improving the service, we want Sprend to also be a place where individuals will be able to gain insight into the practical side of the business.

What is our way of working? We are dislocated and work in two cities, Stockholm and Pula. While we may sometimes miss those live encounters in which we give each other random ideas or inspiration, our work doesn’t suffer because of it. Well-organized meetings three times a week (among others as needed) under the successful guidance of Tanja Evertsson, give us a clear picture and overview of what each of us is working on. A clear plan, organization and vision allow us to successfully reach the goal, no matter how many obstacles along the way we sometimes have. It certainly contributes to the fact that we are always there for each other if we need help or advice. What is even more important is our safe zone and trust. There has never been a reaction that could cause our mood or enthusiasm to decline. No question is ever stupid and deserves time to answer. It’s an environment where we’re not afraid to come up with new ideas, look for another way, and make mistakes to succeed next time. Getting praise because we dared to try even though the result was not expected, encourages us to practice Tanja's motto ourselves: only the sky is the limit. If she weren't the one who encourages us to do all this in practice, that sentence would surely only become funny to us over time. This is how we have already crossed all the borders and they no longer exist for us.

Why am I saying all this? Because through meeting our first practitioner, Daniel, I realize that to a 19-year-old who has just finished high school, things don’t seem that way. Or at least it is not assumed to be so. The boss is imagined as a serious man who will ask difficult questions and find our mistakes. Colleagues? They are a real enigma for a high school student. What to expect from us?

That is why we asked the founder of Sprend to answer the question. What should Daniel expect, a tough boss? And we got the joke from Arne: "Oooh! I need to “suit up” as they often say in the Marvel movies. White shirt and tie?"

Welcome Daniel and good luck during your internship at Sprend!


File transfers with Sprend


The brilliant mind of Hedy Lamarr