A safe place for our servers - GleSYS AB

Every year, millions of megabytes are uploaded and sent with Sprend. Our servers are located in the Stockholm data center of the Swedish hosting company GleSYS AB. Just south of Stockholm, an old cable factory has been remade into an ultra-modern data center and their second home. We are safe with GleSYS AB. What do they say on the subject?

Physical access & CCTV

All-access to GleSYS data centers is managed centrally. All comings and goings to our facilities are logged. All areas are monitored by at least one security camera.

Locks & security

All areas are fitted with alarms connected to security services and premises are guarded outside office hours. Colocation racks are locked and accessible only by owners. Routers and dedicated servers are housed in a special area only accessible by trusted personnel.

Alarms & Monitoring

This data center has a complete set of alarms covering the usual aspects, such as climate control and the monitoring of systems. These alarms are supervised by GleSYS personnel as well as Nokas security and Coromatics security services. All areas have smoke detectors, and the most sensitive areas, such as our server halls, have very early warning aspirating smoke detectors (VESDA) to identify a potential fire in the shortest possible time. Automatic fire extinguishing systems using gas are installed to protect electronic equipment.


In addition, GleSYS is committed to making its business as sustainable as possible and have introduced a number of initiatives to minimize their long-term impact on the environment. With their green data centers, they are the perfect choice for Sprend & all our customers.

Enjoy Sprending!

Cover photo: Massimo Botturi


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