Recycled idea

Frame it.jpg

To have a business meeting in the morning and to be happy to see your colleagues, that the greatest luck. It's Monday and you're not sad, hating your life and waiting for the next weekend to come, that's rare. But on the top, when the ones you're working with, share your sense of humor, it's even funnier. Very small things can describe bigger ones. I'll tell you one. After a meeting with our business partner, I forgot to save a paid bill for the cost-covering. So I went back (only because I promised to Tanja and Arne to send it) and asked for the thing. It was already trashed. The next question was: Would you like to have it like this, crumpled? Yes, why not. Seems it has a story. A few days after, at our morning meeting, we mentioned that topic. I told the funny story to everyone and we started to laugh, making jokes and then someone said: You should frame it. That was it. Now, we have the first thing for our new office walls. The one that will tell us a story of how our unintentional mistakes can be brilliant, but just in case you're telling them to the ones who'll make it brilliant. Only, there is one thing about this. Fridays don't represent a day when you're feeling this huge happiness of a non-working weekend, expecting your absolute freedom. You already have it.


The developers I want to work with


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