Who needs our service?
Since 2004, a number of users have placed their trust in Sprend on the basis of quality and reliability. Without advertising, the service spoke for itself with what its only goal from the moment it was designed - to successfully find its way from sender to recipient.
Over time, the number of users grew. They are now part of the construction sector in the first place, education, lawyers, rental, authors, artists, brokers, health care, bookkeeping, IT sector, as well as municipalities and government agencies, among many others.
Sprend Pro customers in sectors and numbers
Our service can sometimes sound abstract. If we talk about data, files, and encryption, we can understand why. Often it's hard to imagine all the ways we’re connected with each other. But if we imagine that each of these data is one important piece that forms, for example, a business project that someone has been working on for months, a book on the way to publishing, a blueprint for construction to begin soon, songs performed at a school event or a confidential data that needs to be sent safely, things become more real.
This pie chart shows who are the users of our service, but in short, Sprenders are all those who want their data to reach their destination safely and successfully. Thank you for putting your trust and confidence in our company.
Photo by Charles Deluvio (Unsplash)