Communication, tool, or weapon?
Words are one of man's most powerful tools. If we choose them carefully and know how to communicate well, we are already halfway to success. But it certainly happened to us that what we say is very clear to us, but not to the one to whom the words are addressed. So how could we be clearer, more precise? How do we even understand that we are misunderstood?
Photo by Hugo Jehanne
The 7 C's of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve professional communication skills and increase the chance that the message will be understood in exactly the same way as it was intended:
1. Clear - the goal is to be clearly understandable to the recipient. It would be good to focus on one thing at a time. If we express ourselves unclearly, we cause confusion and even more additional work in explaining it later.
2. Correct - the message and information should be correct. As much as possible, we should try to avoid or eliminate mistakes.
3. Complete - we should try to be complete because it helps the other party to work on the task more easily or make further decisions.
4. Concrete - not be vague or leave room for self-interpretation.
5. Concise - maintaining focus and getting to the point is always a positive thing. The wandering of our thoughts does not increase the recipient's interest but takes him away from the subject of discussion.
6. Considerate - in order to have effective communication, we must always take into account the interlocutor's circumstances, background, knowledge, mindset, and opinions.
7. Courteous - we always respect those we address and are not biased under any circumstances. The message should always be positive, showing respect to others.
With this in mind, it is certain that every member of the team can prosper. This short video describes everything:
We should always keep the 7 C’s in mind and above all, kindness and respect.