Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

A Photographer's Journey with Sprend

Have you ever been stuck trying to send breathtaking, high-resolution images to clients or collaborators? It's like trying to capture the perfect shot in the dark!  But fear not; we are tidings on a solution with Sprend.com!

Introduction: In the bustling world of professional photography, delivering high-resolution images to clients or collaborators is often akin to navigating a labyrinth. The need to securely share large files while maintaining image quality and data integrity poses a significant challenge. However, amidst these hurdles, a beacon of hope emerges in Sprend—a platform designed for fast and secure file sending. This case study delves into the experiences of a photographer grappling with file-sharing dilemmas and how Sprend emerged as the solution.

The Challenge: Anna is a freelance photographer renowned for her captivating portraits. Anna's work often involves collaborating with clients and fellow creatives, necessitating the seamless sharing of large image files. However, traditional file-sharing methods fell short of meeting her requirements. Email attachments proved cumbersome, often limiting file size and compromising image quality. FTP servers offered a semblance of reliability but lacked user-friendly interfaces and robust security measures. Anna constantly struggled to balance efficiency with data protection—a dilemma familiar to many photographers.

Discovering Sprend: In the middle of Anna's search for a viable solution, she stumbled upon Sprend! The promise of lightning-fast uploads and top-notch security intrigued her, sparking a glimmer of hope. As she delved deeper into the platform, she was pleasantly surprised by its simple interface and array of practical features. From seamless file uploads to customizable security settings, Sprend seemed poised to address her file-sharing woes, leaving her with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Implementation: Eager to test Sprend, Anna began uploading her high-resolution images onto the platform. To her delight, the process was remarkably smooth, with files uploading at unprecedented speeds. Sprend's robust security measures, including encryption and password protection, instilled confidence in Anna, knowing that her valuable work was safeguarded from prying eyes. Moreover, Sprend's compatibility with various file formats, including RAW files and HD images, ensured that Anna could deliver her work in pristine condition without compromising quality.

Results and Benefits: With Sprend by her side, Anna experienced a transformative shift in her file-sharing endeavors. What was once a source of frustration and uncertainty transformed into a seamless and efficient process. Clients and collaborators marveled at the speed and professionalism with which Anna delivered her work, enhancing her reputation as a trusted photographer. Moreover, Sprend's user-friendly interface simplified collaboration, allowing Anna to focus her energy on capturing moments that truly mattered. This success story serves as a testament to the power of Sprend, inspiring others to embrace its potential.

“As a freelance photographer, privacy and efficiency are crucial to me and my clients. Sprend has been a boon in that regard. It's incredibly easy to use, and I can trust that my clients' privacy is protected every step of the way.”

Conclusion: In the dynamic world of photography, efficiency and security are crucial. Sprend emerged as a beacon of innovation, offering photographers like Anna a lifeline in their quest for seamless file sharing. By harnessing Sprend's capabilities, photographers can break free from the limitations of traditional methods and embrace a future where every upload is a masterpiece. As Anna discovered, with Sprend—every day is an opportunity to capture brilliance and share it with the world.

Photo by Drew Farwell

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

Heroes, just for one day?

Are you tired of the hassle of sending large files, waiting for them to upload, and worrying if they've been received intact? Imagine a solution where you can be a hero just for one day, effortlessly sending those hefty files without breaking a sweat. Enter Sprend Pro, your companion for conquering file-sharing challenges.

With Sprend Pro, you can access a streamlined and efficient service that lets you easily send large files. And the best part? You can do it all in just one day! Gone are the days of committing to lengthy subscriptions when you only need a quick solution for that one crucial file transfer.

Photo by Jessica Podraza (Unsplash)

Here's how it works:

Sign Up and Select Your Plan: Start by signing up for Sprend Pro and choosing the "One Day" plan. This gives you access to all the premium features for a full day, allowing you to send files of any size without limitations.

Upload Your Files: Once signed in, upload the files you need to send. Whether it's high-resolution images, HD videos, or massive documents, Sprend Pro can handle it.

Customize and Secure: Customize your file-sharing experience with options to add password protection, set expiration dates, and control who can access your files. Rest easy knowing that your sensitive data is safe and secure.

Send with Confidence: Your files will arrive with just a few clicks. Sprend Pro's advanced technology ensures fast and reliable delivery, so you can be sure that your important files will reach their destination promptly.

Track and Manage: Keep track of your file transfers with real-time notifications. Whether you're sending files to clients, collaborators, or friends, you'll always know the status of your transfers.

One-Day Wonder: There are no long-term commitments or hidden fees. Pay for the day you need and enjoy hassle-free file sharing like never before.

Whether you're a freelancer, a small business owner, or someone who occasionally needs to send large files, Sprend Pro's "One Day" plan covers you. Sign up today and discover the freedom of effortless file sharing, even if it's just for one day!

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

From Word to World: The Birth of 'Robot' in Human Language

🤖 Have you ever wondered where the term "ROBOT" strutted onto the stage of human language? Let us whisk you back to the roaring 1920s when the visionary Karel Čapek wove a mesmerizing tapestry of futurism and caution in his groundbreaking drama "Rossum's Universal Robots".

Picture this: a world grappling with the dawn of artificial intelligence, teetering on the precipice of human ingenuity and unchecked ambition. In this tantalizing narrative, "robot" takes center stage, derived from the Czech word "ROBOTA", an evocative term dripping with the sweat of forced labor and the relentless grind of drudgery.

RUR reflects the ethos of the 1920s, yet its trenchant commentary on the intersection of humanity and technology resonates powerfully in contemporary times. At its core, it serves as a cautionary tale, warning of the perils inherent in the unchecked pursuit of scientific progress. Set in a future where robots, created to serve humanity, ultimately rebel against their creators, the play delves into themes of autonomy, identity, and the consequences of playing god. While Čapek's narrative predates the digital revolution by decades, its relevance to contemporary discussions surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is unmistakable.

✒ Through Čapek's pen, the term "robot" transcended mere linguistic novelty, symbolizing the fraught relationship between humanity and its creations, a testament to the age-old dance between innovation and consequence. So, the next time you hear the word "robot," remember its humble origins and the weighty themes it carries from a literary masterpiece that dared to challenge the very essence of human progress.

Photo: February 11, 1938: BBC airs the 1st science fiction television program – an adaptation of Karel Čapek’s Rossum’s Universal Robots. © BBC

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

Freedom to Roam

Many of us recognize the most beautiful voice of childhood, besides our mothers, the voice of Sir David Attenborough - a British broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and author. TV presenter in numerous documentaries about nature and the animal world. Today, the 97-year-old has followed the world and its changes for many years, giving us the gift of getting to know nature from our living rooms. He taught us how to tell stories and that the world of nature and animals is closely connected to the human world. Even as children, it was clear that this man loved what he did.

Sir David Attenborough

We recognize him as the voice of natural history programs for the past 70 years. He has brought the natural world into our living rooms and classrooms through award-winning natural history programs such as Life on Earth, The Private Life of Plants, and The Blue Planet.

This is one of his many stories. “In 2021, the world watched as a family of wild Chinese elephants slept, exhausted after an epic 400-kilometer journey. Forced from their ancestral forest by the worst drought on record, the family had gone in search of a new home. 

Having traveled through huge swathes of farmland, there was still no sign of them stopping. But what they did next surprised everyone. Crossing under a five-lane highway, the family approached the city of Kunming. Within days, the elephants had reached the city limits. And they quickly found themselves in a frightening new world. Scared and disorientated, the family had no choice but to turn around and begin the long march home.

Remarkably, despite the damage they caused, the elephants were not just tolerated by the local people, but helped, with hundreds of thousands of dollars spent guiding them safely home. After almost two years and more than a thousand kilometers on the road, the weary caravan arrived back in the southern forests, where the drought had eased. Against all odds, this part of the family's story had a happy ending. But it showed when animals are faced with dramatic change, the urge to move away can be overwhelming."

Humans and elephants share several similarities despite being different species. Both are highly social. They live in groups and form complex social structures. Elephants, like humans, exhibit behaviors such as cooperation, empathy, and communication. Both are known to experience a wide range of emotions. They mourn their dead, display signs of joy, and form deep bonds with family members. Highly intelligent animals capable of problem-solving, using tools, and learning complex tasks.

A drone image shows 14 Chinese elephants sleeping exhausted after an epic 400-kilometer journey. In the forest on the outskirts of southwest China's Kunming, Yunnan Province. Photo: AFP / Xinhua

Overall, this story is a powerful metaphor for people's challenges, resilience, collaboration, and learning experiences in life and business. Several parallels can be drawn.

Like these elephants, people often face changes, sometimes requiring them to venture into unfamiliar territory or adapt to new circumstances. New challenges are faced in those moments, such as crossing a five-lane highway and entering the city. By reaching its limits, elephants found themselves in a frightening new world that was disorienting and overwhelming. Their journey back to their southern forests after facing challenges in Kunming highlights the importance of learning from experience and making strategic decisions based on lessons learned. 

There is one key thing. They couldn’t have succeeded without the unconditional help of the locals. Everything that happened earlier was a natural slide of things. But unconditional help in a situation where problems of these animals had become even bigger than themselves, was their only guide back to the southern forests. Despite the damage caused, the local community tolerated and helped them, with significant resources invested to guide them safely home.

This serves as a poignant reminder of the universal experiences of facing adversity, seeking resilience, finding support, and experiencing personal growth in life's challenges. Sometimes, in our forests, we find those who, against all odds, lead us to positive outcomes, and this is exactly what makes a significant difference in this world.

After you read this story, the outcome could remind you of someone you luckily have in your life. In my case, it was Tanja Salopek Evertsson, who would bring the elephants home safely. She probably wouldn't even sleep after that but play tennis instead.

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Homepage Arne Evertsson Homepage Arne Evertsson

Animating our logo with Keyshape for macOS

How we created the logo animation with the macOS application Keyshape.

Keyshape is a macOS application developed by Pixofield Ltd, located in Helsinki. It is a tool that enables users to create animations and save them as SVG files. SVG is the acronym for Scalable Vector Graphics, which allows users to create graphics that can be scaled without losing quality. Moreover, the file format supports interactivity and animation, and web browsers can render SVG files.

As a programmer, I found it to be an interesting challenge to animate our new logo with a vector-based animation tool. My goal was to create a brief scene that started with nothing and ended with the new logo fully formed.

Sprend Logo

Growing up, I always drew comics with my cousin Sven during summer holidays. We could only dream of having the skills of the classic Belgian and French comic artists. They seemed like wizards to us, having apparently reached an unattainable skill level. A wizard in that class has honored us with his magic and crafted our new logo; the immensely talented Vili Paoletić. He is a guy who will always overdeliver.



Getting to know the Keyshape app was an interesting challenge. It took some experimentation to understand the concepts, for example, how shapes can be grouped together and then rotated or resized as a single object.

My first attempt was to animate forward, i.e. starting with the initial square and then trying to shape it gradually into the resulting logo. That turned out to be too difficult.

The first attempt was to animate from the starting shape and transform it towards the target shape.


Backwards is the way forward

Since I knew where I wanted to end up, in the letter N of the logo, I decided to start from the end and animate backward towards the start. This turned out to be much easier. When I was done I used the Reverse Keyframes function of Keyshape.

The second attempt was to start from the end and move backward.


What does the Sprend say?

Everyone knows what a fox sounds like but what does the Sprend say? Well, there was really only one person who could possibly answer that question, and it was the Solna-based music producer John “Giovanni” Malmborg Sanitate. I more or less expected a soundtrack with a rap vibe, but Giovanni had something different in mind.

With the soundtrack in place, the animation could be finalized, and the Spaceship Sprenderprise could take off…


The Spaceship Sprenderprise

These are the uploads of the file transport spaceship Sprenderprise. Its mission: to deliver strangely big files; to find new senders and new recipients; to transfer files to places without bandwidth.

The complete animation with sound.


Show time?

The final step was to show the animation directly on sprend.com. This turned out to be harder work than making the animation itself. I wanted the it start automatically and to cover the whole window. I also wanted to be able to restart it on demand.

Showing an SVG file on a web page is quite easy. It can be added as a background image to a <div> element, which in turn covers the whole window.

.logo-animation {
    background-image: url('/path/to/animation.svg');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: cover;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 1000;
    cursor: pointer;

The problem with this approach is that the starting, stopping and rewinding cannot be controlled by code. Once it has run it never runs again!

So, I tried the alternative of having Keyshape generate a JavaScript-controlled SVG file. But I could never make it work no matter how many different ways I tried to include the SVG code: directly on the page or referencing the SVG file path. I simply could not debug this code and see what was wrong, so I gave up.

In the end, I found a workaround. Javascript code adds the background-image CSS style directly to the <div> element, whose value also includes a URL parameter after the file path. Here is an example:

background-image: url(‘/path/to/animation.svg?p=7847238972341’)

Since the url parameter is generated randomly the browser finally gave up on playing the svg only once.

A problem I, however, could not solve is that Safari does not completely support the animation. It looks weird at one point when the letter N is forming. Let’s hope that is a problem Apple will solve soon.

Love is in the UI

I had a lot of fun making the animation and putting it directly on sprend.com. Using animation as a part of user-interface design is a technique that can visualise transitions between states, and also make the usage of the service more pleasurable. Why couldn’t a boring file-transfer service utilize the same tools as video games or movies to convey information and emotions? Our vision is to turn Sprend into the most loved file transfer service. Animations are one of the tools in the box to achieve that.

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

Our first official Sprend Pro user in Croatia

It's always difficult to find the first customers in a new market. Sometimes there is a preference for an already widely known service. Sprend is known in the Scandinavian countries, but not yet in Croatia.

Generally, well-known and established brands often enjoy a higher level of trust from consumers due to factors such as brand recognition, longevity in the market, and perceived reliability.

However, trust is subjective and can be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, reviews, and a lot of other things. For example, some people may trust big-name technology companies for their innovative products, while others may be skeptical about privacy issues and data security.

In recent years, there has been increased scrutiny and public awareness regarding data privacy, security breaches, and ethical practices, which has influenced people's trust in big-name services, especially in the technology and social media sectors. Companies that demonstrate transparency, ethical behavior, and responsiveness to customer concerns are likely to maintain and build trust. Certainly, large companies have their strong advantages, but what about smaller companies and services?

Marin Aničić:

“I love that local solidarity!”

Marin Aničić is a journalist, creative, and enthusiast who actively supports and trusts local services. That's his motto. For this reason, he decided to support Sprend and become the first Pro user in Croatia. He is the creator of Lanterna magazine, which regularly covers topics from culture and local interest in the area of the city of Rijeka. His charisma is transmitted without the slightest obstacle, but for photos and videos, he needs Sprend. Thank you for your trust!

Be like Marin! What benefits can using the services of smaller companies bring you?

Personalized Attention: smaller services can provide a more personalized and individualized experience. It's often possible to focus on each customer's unique requirements and preferences.

Customer Service: smaller services may offer more responsive and hands-on customer service. With fewer customers to manage, we can provide more immediate and direct support, addressing issues more efficiently.

Flexibility and Adaptability: smaller services can adapt quickly to changes in the market or customer demands. They are typically more agile and able to make adjustments to our products or services without the bureaucratic processes that can slow down larger organizations.

Innovation and Niche Expertise: smaller services may be more innovative and specialized in niche areas. We can focus on a specific market segment or industry, providing unique solutions that larger companies might overlook or find less economically viable.

Customization: smaller services may be more willing and able to customize offerings to meet the specific requirements of individual customers.

And don't forget the most important thing, which is community engagement. Smaller services often have a closer connection to their local communities or customer base. This can lead to stronger relationships, a better understanding of customer needs, and a higher level of trust.

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

Working in Sprend AB for the first time. From Pula to Stockholm. And back home.

After three years of the Croatian company's existence, our joint online, and occasional work in the Pula office, our CEO came up with the idea that it was time for changes. This time Pula should come to Stockholm. Preparations and planning followed, along with days of anticipation. What were our goals? In addition to visiting the parent company, work on tasks that require cooperation, new ideas, development, and implementation in a total of two and a half weeks.

The trip was successful. Without losing yourself or your luggage, the acclimatization to the new environment began. I decided to eliminate the expectations about the cold, and the dark that I’ve heard so many stories about. In achieving certain goals, focus is important, and creating negligible obstacles is unnecessary. I only noticed the darkness at half past three if I looked at the clock. So I didn't.

A new city that takes away attention with absolutely everything. Even the journey to work seemed like a special episode where the mind was not resting but actively working. When will I process all this? Maybe I still haven't.

A place to work. Sprend AB prefers coworking centers and shared spaces where diverse people meet. That was the way to observe patterns of behavior, habits, similarities, and differences. Of course, I saw a lot more similarities. People who, like everywhere else, come to work, go through the day in its phases, and go home. "The Park" is a place where everything works perfectly. Down to the smallest detail. It's immediately clear that it never comes without someone's huge effort. Behind the comfortable order, there is always a person who manages everything, without doing it loudly so that everything seems simply to flow. Priyanka Poddar and her team professionally manage the atmosphere and functioning of this place. Only then, everyone else can perform their work efficiently. That is what is required.

In this environment, we had no reason to fail. The only obstacle could be ourselves. But ideas, focus, and realization of those days were our everyday life. We succeeded in every task we set ourselves. We also visited other places and events, met new people, and connected. 

How to charge? One of the ways is weekends and museums. Walking and observing the unknown.

Then some invisible force appears and indeed, the business results are suddenly there. You realize that force is not invisible, it's the result of planning, time, focus, and patience. They are always colleagues in success. Let's keep them in 2024.

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

Brompton Odyssey

We bring you a random episode from everyday life. The story of our CEO's journey from Pula to Stockholm, in which he once again proved that he knows no limits in his search for solutions. If everything had gone according to plan, he would have covered the first part of the journey to Trieste by bus. Having missed the transport, he decided to cover the distance of 120 km on his Brompton bike. The road was not adapted for such a trip, but that did not stop him. Neither is a flat tire, the change of three seasons on the road, or rain. The journey took twelve hours, but he reached his destination.

We spoke with Arne about this venture and the things that push him forward in situations like this.

How did you come up with the idea of crossing this road with a small bicycle?

"It was a very simple decision. I thought it would be great exercise and relaxation. When we are relaxed, the brain goes into creative mode. That's how we put things in order and I don't want to see problems but solutions."

However, there are different reasons for what we do. How do you connect this story with your everyday life and work?

"Growing up I wasn’t very proactive. I tried to fit in and always waited for others to do something. I grew up on a farm in some sense cut off from the world and the jobs that exist in cities. My father was a farmer and my mother was a housewife. It's a job where uncertainty is an integral part, it depends on things that are impossible to control and you deal with it. It was felt that the job of a teacher is different, that in cities there are important people who have important jobs. But then you realise that others are no smarter than you and that you should believe in your worth. It takes time to start believing. The problem is also that we always seem to be waiting for someone else, for example politicians, to step in and change something. Isn't that a waste of time?"

Maybe enough to inspire someone.

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Homepage Tihana Gardijan Homepage Tihana Gardijan

“Create a link” feature

New sending option with sprend.com! Maybe you’ll prefer to create a unique link that you can copy and share in any way you choose (SMS, WhatsApp, Viber, email, etc.).

This feature is available for Sprend Free & Sprend Pro users. If you don't want to log into a Sprend account you can choose to create a link instead, and then send it from your own mailbox.

Either way, the message is not anonymous and has a better chance of not ending up in a spam filter. The receiver will click the link, as usual, to download at sprend.com.

Enjoy sprending!

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Jobs Tihana Gardijan Jobs Tihana Gardijan

Infobip Conference “Multi-factor authentication”

As part of the ICT ISTRA Association, we participated in the Conference held at Infobip Quantum Campus. It's a newly renovated cultural and historical building, a silk factory from the 19th century. At the beginning of 2020, Infobip revived it for educational purposes. It was a pleasure to listen to presentations by colleagues, in the special atmosphere of this charming building, but also the city itself.

You can feel that Vodnjan is a place with a very interesting history. Once upon a time, it was the center of avant-garde production, whose inhabitants used technical innovations to work on the land. Back in 1899, thanks to the industrialist and visionary Pietro Marchesi, the streets of Vodnjan were the first streets in Istria to be lit by public electric lighting. It was the moment when the citizens no longer had to carry a small hand lamp "feralito" in the dark.

Quantum thus became a place that not only preserved the place from decay and oblivion but also continues to be a factory of ideas that will continue to change the city of fascinating charm and possibilities. Thanks for the great event!

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Jobs Tihana Gardijan Jobs Tihana Gardijan

How to return to work stress-free after vacation?

If we are looking for an answer to this question, we are offered many guidelines that should help. Try to complete your assignments before your vacation to start fresh. Prepare to return before you leave. Very important: plan the first morning so that it is calm, without distractions, so that you can dedicate yourself to the warm-up. Have lunch at an interesting place or bring a travel souvenir to the office (it should cheer you up, not make you cry). And there is a whole range of others.

What helps us in Sprend the most?

There are few people to whom you like to ask questions because their answers make an ordinary situation extraordinary, a big problem insignificant and everyday life more valuable. That’s Tanja Evertsson, CEO of Sprend in Croatia.

  • Knowing that we are going back to work with people from whom you can learn a lot. In every new situation.

  • Freedom to plan our work schedule. It inspires and helps to maintain a balance between private and business life.

  • We care for each other but do not cross the line by asking questions about private things. We only share what we want with each other and that is always respected.

  • Although responsible, it does not mean that we are constantly serious. Some of us are very successful at this. Our CEO for example. We are happy that he pulls the biggest pranks because he can't be fired.

Arne Evertsson, the creator of Sprend

To successfully send large files, it is important to have a clear vision.

Photo by Teodor Korodi

American writer, publisher, artist, and businessman Elbert Hubbard wisely said: "No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one." So there are countless solutions.

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Karin Andersson Karin Andersson

Topp-möte: O-ringen i Åre

English version is available below the Swedish version

Åredalen är denna vecka värd för O-ringens orienteringstävlingar, eller som de själva kallar det: världens största orienteringsäventyr. Den vackra grönskande sommarnaturen är full av aktivitet. Det är ett sätt att fira sommaren!

Sprend är på plats i Åre

”Idag strålar solen och vi strålar med den” säger Mats Jönsson från tävlingens deltagarservice. ”Totalt räknar vi med mer än 15000 deltagare under O-ringen. Åretrakten är en unik plats att ha tävlingarna på, idag är vi till och med på fjället.”

Normalt är det deltagare från ett 40-tal länder årligen i O-ringen, från 5 till 95 år gamla. Olika orter i Sverige står värd varje år. I Åre hör vi just nu en härlig blandning av bland annat finska, japanska, holländska, kinesiska och portugisiska talas i vimlet på byn och vid O-Ringentorget, utställarnas område under tävlingen. ”Det bästa med O-ringen är att träffa kompisar från hela världen" säger en ung tjej (som vill vara anonym). 

Tävlingarna har hållits sedan 1965 och namnet O-ringen kommer ursprungligen från orienterarlandslagets fackföreningsrörelse. Under många år hade tävlingsveckan till och med fackliga workshops för deltagare från andra länder. Fackföreningsrörelsens historia i Sverige sträcker sig för övrigt tillbaka ända till slutet av artonhundratalet. Men nu för tiden handlar O-ringens vision om att göra aktiva och kloka val för en hållbar framtid. Organisationen “vill fortsätta skapa möjligheter för befintliga och kommande generationers deltagare att dela gemenskap, glädje och erfarenheter vid evenemanget”.

Och det är sådan glädje och kämpaglöd i luften i Åre. Hela familjer har kommit hit för att delta och kunskap överförs från generation till generation. En gränsöverskridande gemenskap i alla bemärkelser.

Sprend.com önskar all lycka till med årets evenemang och vi finns självklart tillgängliga med de filöverföringstjänster som kan behövas.

In English:

Top-level meetup: O-ringen in Åre

Right now the Åre valley is hosting the O-ringen, the world's biggest orienteering competition week. The beautiful lush green summer nature is full of activity. It’s a way to celebrate summer!  

Sprend is on site in Åre

”Today the sun is shining and we are shining with it” says Mats Jönsson from the O-ringen competitor services. ”This year we expect more than 15 000 competitors. Åre is a unique place for the event, the participants are actually competing in the mountains today”.

Normally there are participants from about 40 countries annually in the O-ringen, ageing from 5 to 95 years old. The location moves each year in Sweden. In Åre, we are currently hearing a wonderful mixture of Finnish, Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese and so on being spoken in the streets and in the exhibitors plaza. "The best thing about the O-ringen is meeting friends from all over," says a young girl (who wishes to remain anonymous).

The competition has been held since 1965 and the name actually comes from the trade union movement for the national team of orienteers. For many years the O-Ringen even had union clinics for participants from other countries. Sweden has by the way a long history of unionising since the late nineteenth century. Nowadays though, the O-ringen vision is all about making active and wise choices for a sustainable future. The website explains that the organisation ”wants to continue to create opportunities for existing and future generations of participants to share community, joy and experiences at the event”.

And there’s such joy and good spirit in the air in Åre. Whole families have come here to participate, and knowledge is transferred from generation to generation. A cross-border community in every sense.

sprend.com wishes all the best of luck with this year's event and we are of course available with any file transfer services needed.

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Tihana Gardijan Tihana Gardijan

A safe place for our servers - GleSYS AB

Every year, millions of megabytes are uploaded and sent with Sprend. Our servers are located in the Stockholm data center of the Swedish hosting company GleSYS AB. Just south of Stockholm, an old cable factory has been remade into an ultra-modern data center and their second home. We are safe with GleSYS AB. What do they say on the subject?

Physical access & CCTV

All-access to GleSYS data centers is managed centrally. All comings and goings to our facilities are logged. All areas are monitored by at least one security camera.

Locks & security

All areas are fitted with alarms connected to security services and premises are guarded outside office hours. Colocation racks are locked and accessible only by owners. Routers and dedicated servers are housed in a special area only accessible by trusted personnel.

Alarms & Monitoring

This data center has a complete set of alarms covering the usual aspects, such as climate control and the monitoring of systems. These alarms are supervised by GleSYS personnel as well as Nokas security and Coromatics security services. All areas have smoke detectors, and the most sensitive areas, such as our server halls, have very early warning aspirating smoke detectors (VESDA) to identify a potential fire in the shortest possible time. Automatic fire extinguishing systems using gas are installed to protect electronic equipment.


In addition, GleSYS is committed to making its business as sustainable as possible and have introduced a number of initiatives to minimize their long-term impact on the environment. With their green data centers, they are the perfect choice for Sprend & all our customers.

Enjoy Sprending!

Cover photo: Massimo Botturi

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Jobs Tihana Gardijan Jobs Tihana Gardijan

Codex Bar Hack in Circolo or building bridges that connect people 💻 🥂

Every Wednesday in Circolo in Pula from 7 - 9 p.m. gatherings of ICT enthusiasts are held with the following words of welcome:

"Codex Bar Hack is back! Bring your computer, write code, talk code, debug your greeting phrases, unit test your listening skills, refactor your sitting position, bootstrap your mingling, deploy two deciliters of red wine, commit to a great evening, and finish off with a pull request of brilliant ideas for next time. A codex is an ancient piece of IT equipment that is still going strong. The word comes from the Latin caudex which means tree trunk, block of wood, or simply book."

This meetup is not an event organized or owned by one company, but an attempt to meet and bring people with similar interests together. Arne Evertsson is the self-proclaimed Pontifex Maximus or the one who unites people since the term pontifex means "bridge-builder". He says it's very simple: Karlo knows Ognjen. And Ognjen knows Luka. Finally, Karlo and Luka get to meet. That's the intention.

Inspired by a meetup he attended in Stockholm called STHLM Lounge Hackers, in a hotel bar where non-guests were welcome to enter and use. The intention was to create an atmosphere of a place where everyone is welcome. Arne would like it if such a place existed in Pula as well. For the venue in Pula, he chose Circolo, located where there are the oldest ancient gates and the best domestic wine in the city.

A lot of new ideas, cooperation, and laughter arose there. We look forward to their realization or simply to the memories that are created. Nothing would be possible if it weren't for the hearty enthusiasts who respond to these meetups. Thank you all for that!

Join us at Codex in Circolo.

Photo by Vlad Hilitanu

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GDPR Compliance - protect yourself and your customers when sending

Imagine, you are solving a demanding task at work. Sending important information by email to your colleague. Selecting the wrong address from a list of auto-complete suggestions and before realizing the error, you click send. Private data and confidential information went to the wrong person. Human error can happen to anyone. But this is a data breach that might have to be reported.

How to avoid such dangerous and unnecessary situations? Become GDPR compliant by using secure sending services. Without encryption and password protection, the data you share with others is not secure.

Sprend Pro allows you to send encrypted messages, where you set a password yourself and share it with the recipient (via a different messaging service). No one but the recipient and the sender can see the content of the material.

To minimize inadvertent mistakes, the Sprend Pro version lets you do something else. As long as the recipient does not download the file, you can remove it even after it has already been sent.

If you work with sensitive and confidential data, do not send it by unprotected emails. Our servers are located in Sweden. Become GDPR compliant and protect yourself and your customers.

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New feature announcement: Store your files permanently with Sprend Backpack

Remember that with the Sprend Pro version, you could keep your files for up to four weeks? Many of you like it because that way you don't have to "clean" and Sprend takes care of it for you.

But some users would like to have a permanent storage space in addition to a secure sending service. Our Sprend Backpack allows it from now on. When sending, select the permanent storage period option and Sprend will store your files up to 100 GB in size.

Please keep in mind that this is a Beta, still a trial version of the feature subject to change for improvement purposes. Our way is to let the real users test it, which always beats the developer's ability to test. It's a way to provide functionality faster to the customer.

Try the Sprend Backpack and let us know your impressions.

Your feedback is valuable to us!

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Let’sGrow 2023. - the largest ICT conference in Istria

The second ICT conference Let'sGrow, the largest in Istria, took place this year as well. We exchanged ideas, hung out, made new contacts, and had fun. Organized by the ICT Association with the assistance of the “Libra” marketing agency from Rijeka, everything went great.

The program included lectures, workshops, and business Speed Dating. It was a day of direct communication with students, visitors interested in the services of the exhibiting companies, and the creation of ideas at the moment. Once again, we were reminded of the power of live meetings.

Some of the topics of the panel were: "From school desks to unicorns", and "Behind the Screens. "Dispelling myths about work in ICT", "Do we need skills in the world of artificial intelligence?". In the role of ICT Supergirls, we heard the experiences of women in the ICT sector and their experiences in work but also in the search for a private balance. How did their companies support them in this, is it simple to pack a backpack and go to the other side of the world for a year? Mirta Štefanec from Infosit did it. Her company supported her and they succeeded regardless of the time differences. Iva Horvat from Mijena says that the flexible way of working was her salvation at the moment she became a mother.

We are very proud of our CEO Tanja and her presentation. She spoke about the Sprend manifesto - our six foundations, which create prerequisites for satisfied employees: tolerance, responsibility, fearlessness, pride, respect, and leadership.

We share some of Tanja's interesting thoughts:
"Mistakes are OK and they happen to everyone. The one who isn't wrong usually hasn't done much.

Do you believe that there is anyone in the world who goes to work with the goal of creating something catastrophic? Of course not! I deeply believe that the situation is exactly the opposite. We all want to achieve great results that he can be proud of.

And when great results are achieved, recognize, highlight, and reward those who are truly deserving of them, which are usually not managers.

One thing I try to think about, before reacting to someone's actions and attitudes, is that almost every one of us has an invisible backpack on our back: illness, family situation, some ugly experience, or trauma. Sometimes we don't fully understand someone's attitudes or behavior, but the reason is probably in that backpack.

Whether the employee will explain to us what is in the backpack is his or her choice. Respect.

The lecture concluded with Tanja's favorite character Dr. Max Goodwin, from the TV series "New Amsterdam".

"He is the director of New Amsterdam Hospital in New York that faces many different problems in each episode, which he solves together with his colleagues and the hospital staff. If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from this presentation, it's the question he initially asks his colleagues, no matter what the problem is:

How can I help you?

Thanks to everyone who made this day more interesting! We look forward to Let'sGrow 2024.

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A new feature is on the way: Sprend Backpack

“Look up! Dad, look up!”

Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola was a lawyer with a passion for archaeology. One day, in 1879, he went to explore the Altamira cave with his eight-year-old daughter Maria. They brought candles and stepped into the dark interior. The goal was to excavate the floor of the cave's entrance chamber, unearthing animal bones and stone tools. But the girl, by her childlike nature, did not limit herself to that. That's how she discovered paintings on the ceiling of the cave that dated from prehistory. That little girl is responsible for one of the most valuable discoveries. Throughout history, people have used various methods to store and save their belongings and possessions. For the earliest people, these were caves. The ancient Sumerians used clay tablets to record important information, such as laws, taxes, and trade deals. These tablets were stored in archives and temples. The ancient Egyptians used papyrus scrolls to record information, such as religious texts, literature, and historical records. These scrolls were kept in libraries and archives. Unlike the scroll, whose contents were on one long page, there was a codex - the historical ancestor of the modern book, bound by stacking pages.

In the Middle Ages, people used wooden chests and trunks to store their valuables, such as clothing, jewelry, and documents. These chests were often decorated with intricate carvings and designs. In the 19th century, safes became popular for storing valuables, such as money and important documents. These safes were often made of heavy metal and had combination locks. In the modern era, people store their belongings and information digitally.

One way to store your data and materials permanently will become Sprend. In the conversation with our users, we realized that they use our service like USB and there is a need for more permanent storage. We have decided to provide you with a Sprend backpack on which you will be able to store your files with unlimited storage time if you are a Sprend Pro subscriber.

But not to forget, the research of the mentioned Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola from the beginning of the story is interesting for an additional reason. This was not his first visit to this cave. It was a few years earlier, but then, without his daughter and without even looking up at the ceiling. He researched and worked according to a well-known pattern. Fortunately, not her. One girl's no-holds-barred search led to the discovery of the Sistine Chapel Prehistory. More about Sprend's Altamira soon.

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We had a talk with ChatGPT or should we say LiarGTP? Aware of limitations, but completely unaware that its answers would make us laugh. Don't believe everything you read. Unless it is written in green.

Magnus Nilsson according to DALL-E

The CEO of Sprend, Magnus Nilsson?

Who is Sprend's CEO?

As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the CEO of Sprend was Magnus Nilsson. However, it's possible that there may have been a change in leadership since then. It's always a good idea to check the company's official website or other reputable sources for the most up-to-date information on its leadership team. Magnus who? We’ve never even had a CEO and hence no reason to replace him/her.

What are the differences between Sprend and WeTransfer?

WeTransfer and Sprend are both popular file transfer services, but there are some key differences between them. Here are some of the main differences:

File size limits: WeTransfer allows users to send files up to 2GB for free, while Sprend allows files up to 2 GB for their paid plan but free users can only send files up to 500 MB. Wrong and wrong again. Check out our Plans&Prices.

Security: Sprend offers more advanced security features compared to WeTransfer. Sprend encrypts files in transit and at rest, and uses two-factor authentication to verify user identities. WeTransfer uses encryption but does not offer two-factor authentication. Not really, nope, and untrue.

User Interface: Both services are designed to be user-friendly, but they have different user interfaces. WeTransfer has a simple and intuitive interface, with a drag-and-drop system for adding files. Sprend's interface is also user-friendly but includes more advanced options like password protection and email notifications. The whole previous sentence is incorrect since both services have the same functionality

Price: Both services offer free options, but Sprend’s paid plans are more expensive than WeTransfer’s. Sprend offers more advanced features like advanced security and larger file size limits, but at a higher cost. We are cheaper than WeTransfer.

Ultimately, the choice between WeTransfer and Sprend depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you need advanced security features and larger file size limits Sprend may be the better option for you. However, if you prioritize simplicity and ease of use, WeTransfer may be a better fit. I believe Sprend is pretty easy to use.

Conclusion: ChatGPT seems to making stuff up most of the time. But at least it is funny. I was LOL reading it! Special thanks go to DALL-E for showing our new CEO in the flesh.

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Sales with the scent of violets

Why do we buy? The theory says that the forces that influence whether people buy include: basic needs - first of all, we buy things to fulfill what Maslow describes as the bottom of his hierarchy. Then from convenience, replacement, scarcity, prestige or aspirational purchase, emotional vacuum, lower prices, great value. We would also agree with the old sales rule that says: "People buy people first". After that, we buy the product or service. People buy from people they trust.

Even when we think we are making rational decisions, we can unwittingly let our emotions make decisions for us. Shopping is an emotional experience. For the past two months in searching for one of my perfect products, I read reviews and visited stores. Although each specialized in the same things, the people in charge of sales determined the place where I would finally decide to shop. The only thing missing was the product itself. Each time I hoped that I would find in the next one what the previous one didn't have. It was a Sunday of doing nothing in everything we do. I tried the last sample and recognised a familiar scent. Known but far away. It smelled like violets. The same ones that stood on nanny Slova’s window. A long time ago, when we were children and she looked after us together with her flowers while our parents were at work. Those violets eventually became her. Now I don’t need to tell the rest. The shopping formula is hard to guess. What will attract or repel someone is an impossible mission very often. But if we make an effort to give our product some added value, maybe at least someone will find their own reasons for it. Whether Sprend succeeds in creating variations of violets, we can’t know for sure but we water our plants regularly.

"People buy people first". After that, we buy the product or service. People buy from people they trust.

Photo by Xavi Cabrera

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